commit 95dddb0555860da693f11a08992bf10ddf753102
parent 2fa1012114104ff5744454e5c1f610bc45b68957
Author: rob <>
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2023 22:42:12 +0200
mlinvoice basics implementerade
5 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
diff --git a/public_html/html/admin.html b/public_html/html/admin.html
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ $def with (anslagstavla, saysomething, bokningar, doordebug, str, log, getDorrko
$if doordebug.doorstate == 'False':
Dörren är stängd. <br>
+ $if doordebug.doorstate == 'True':
+ Dörren är öppen. <br>
$doordebug.datum.strftime('%d-%m-%y %H:%M')
Senaste i dörrloggen<br>
@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ $def with (anslagstavla, saysomething, bokningar, doordebug, str, log, getDorrko
<a href="/admin?approve=$" method="post">Godkänn</a> |
<a href="/boka?id=$i.bokningshash">Ändra</a> |
<a href="/admin?sendrules=$">Skicka regler</a> |
- <a href="/admin?fakturera=$">Fakturera</a> |
+ <a href="/admin?fakturera=$">Skicka faktura</a> |
<a href="/admin?doorcode=$">Skicka dörrkod</a> |
<a href="/admin?remove=$">Radera</a>
diff --git a/public_html/html/bilder.html b/public_html/html/bilder.html
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ $def with (bilder, rights, namn, totbilder, offset, bildpersida, search, db, str
<div id="bilder">
$ displayname = db.query("SELECT displayname FROM bildadmin WHERE name='"+namn+"';")[0]
<p>inloggad som <b><a href="/tuning">$displayname.displayname</a></b> ❃ | <a href="/logout">Logga ut</a> 🗝</p>
+<a href="/"><--- tibaks till början</a>
<h1>Byyns eji fotoalbum</h1>
<h4><a href="/upload">lägg opp ny bild</a> 💾 <a href="/senaste">senast häändi</a> 🔥 <a href="/om">Om</a> 🤔</h4>
$if totbilder == 0:
diff --git a/public_html/html/fakturor.html b/public_html/html/fakturor.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-$def with (db,getkund,getmaksuja,round)
+$def with (alla_fakturor,getkund,getmaksuja,round)
@@ -8,12 +8,21 @@ $def with (db,getkund,getmaksuja,round)
-$for i in'mlinvoice_invoice'):
- $getkund(i.company_id)
- $i.invoice_date
- $i.invoice_no
- $i.due_date
- $for p in getmaksuja(
- $round(p.price,2)
- <br>
+$for i in alla_fakturor:
+ $if i.deleted == 0:
+ <br>
+ $if i.company_id:
+ $getkund(i.company_id)
+ <br>
+ $i.invoice_date
+ <br>
+ nummer: $i.invoice_no
+ <br>
+ sista betalningsdag: $i.due_date
+ <br>
+ $for p in getmaksuja(
+ $if p.deleted != 1:
+ $p.description $round(p.price,2)
+ <a href='/fakturor?faktura=$'>öppna pdf</a>
+ <br>
diff --git a/public_html/html/register.html b/public_html/html/register.html
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
$def with (loginform, formfail, totusers)
<div id="container">
- <div id="default">
- <br>
- $if totusers > 1:
- <h2>Registrera dej på</h2>
- <h2>Rekisteryöidy bygdispistefiille</h2>
- <h2>Register please!</h2>
- <p>Do it!</p>
- $else:
- <h2>Registrera superadmin</h2>
- <div id="addevent">
- <form method="POST">
- $:loginform.render()
- <h2>$formfail</h2>
- </form>
- </div>
- <a href="javascript:history.back()"><--- tibaks</a>
- </div>
- </div>
+<div id="default">
+<img src="/static/bilder/thumb/0a91bae6e0958e1bffe2ae3e9f0d89a6.jpeg" style="border-radius:50%"><br>
+$if totusers > 1:
+ <h2>Registrera dej på</h2>
+ <h2>Rekisteryöidy bygdispistefiille</h2>
+ <h2>Register please!</h2>
+ <h2>Registrera superadmin</h2>
+<div id="addevent">
+<form method="POST">
+<a href="javascript:history.back()"><--- tibaks</a>
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ import hashlib
import random
import bcrypt
import sys
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+import requests
basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
import settings
@@ -52,11 +54,15 @@ urls = (
"/nope", "nope"
postadmin = settings.postadmin
postadmin_signature = settings.postadmin_signature
mlinvoice_db = settings.mlinvoice_db
mlinvoice_db_user = settings.mlinvoice_db_user
mlinvoice_db_pass = settings.mlinvoice_db_pass
render = web.template.render(basedir + "/public_html/html/", base="base")
render2 = web.template.render(basedir + "/public_html/html/", base="base2")
render3 = web.template.render(basedir + "/public_html/html/", base="base3")
@@ -343,7 +349,8 @@ class admin():
db.update('bokningar', where='id="'+i.sendrules+'"', approved="")
raise web.seeother('/admin')
if i.fakturera != None:
- raise web.seeother('/admin?kakka')
+ db2.insert('mlinvoice_invoice', company_id=2, invoice_date=time.time())
+ raise web.seeother('/admin')
if i.doorcode != None:
raise web.seeother('/admin?kakka')
if i.remove != None:
@@ -437,13 +444,53 @@ class tack():
class fakturor():
def GET(self):
if session.login == 5:
- #log = getDorrlog(0)
- i = web.input(radera=None,uppdatera=None,fakturera=None)
- #if i.radera != None:
- # db.delete('fakturor', where='id="'+i.radera+'"')
- # raise web.seeother('/fakturor')
- #print(dorrkoder)
- return render.fakturor(db2,getkund,getmaksuja,round)
+ viewfile = ''
+ i = web.input(radera=None,uppdatera=None,fakturera=None,add=None,faktura=None,yes=None)
+ #
+ # MLINVOICE Hack COpy Faktura och Lägg till kund och vara i fakturan
+ #
+ #curl -b -X -i -b ~/cookies.txt -c ~/cookies.txt -d 'backlink=0&csrf=pcCFor0ic9KfoQ4jWQ3s&login=???&passwd=????&logon=Kirjaudu'
+ #
+ #get session and login to mlinvoice with csrf lol
+ url=''
+ r = ['curl','-b','X', url , '-i', '-b', basedir+'/sessions/cookies.txt', '-c',basedir+'/sessions/cookies.txt', '-d', 'backlink=0&csrf=&login='+mlinvoice_login+'&passwd='+mlinvoice_passwd+'&logon=Kirjaudu']
+ view_csrf = subprocess.check_output(r)
+ view = view_csrf.decode()
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(view, "html.parser")
+ csrf = soup.find(id="csrf")['value']
+ login_mlinvoice = ['curl','-b','X', url , '-i', '-b', basedir+'/sessions/cookies.txt', '-c',basedir+'/sessions/cookies.txt', '-d', 'backlink=0&csrf='+csrf+'&login='+mlinvoice_login+'&passwd='+mlinvoice_passwd+'&logon=Kirjaudu']
+ subprocess.check_output(login_mlinvoice)
+ #yes
+ #
+ if i.add == 'faktura':
+ url=''
+ copy_mlinvoice = ['curl','-b','X', url , '-i', '-b', basedir+'/sessions/cookies.txt', '-c',basedir+'/sessions/cookies.txt', '-d', 'id=40']
+ viewfile = subprocess.check_output(copy_mlinvoice)
+ print(viewfile)
+ #
+ #
+ senaste = db2.query("SELECT * FROM mlinvoice_invoice ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;")[0]
+ print(senaste)
+ url=''
+ get_nr_mlinvoice = ['curl','-b','X', url , '-b', basedir+'/sessions/cookies.txt', '-c',basedir+'/sessions/cookies.txt', '-d', 'func=get_invoice_defaults']
+ next_invoice=subprocess.check_output(get_nr_mlinvoice)
+ #print(next_invoice['invoice_no']
+ invoice = json.loads(next_invoice.decode())
+ #print(invoice)
+ #print(invoice['invoice_no'])
+ db2.update('mlinvoice_invoice',where='id="'+str('"', invoice_no=invoice['invoice_no'], ref_number=invoice['ref_no'])
+ raise web.seeother('/fakturor?yes=lyckades')
+ if i.faktura != None:
+ url=''
+ open_mlinvoice = ['curl','-b','X', url , '-i', '-b', basedir+'/sessions/cookies.txt', '-c',basedir+'/sessions/cookies.txt', '-d', 'id='+i.faktura+'&template=15']
+ pdf_file = subprocess.check_output(open_mlinvoice)
+ pdfhash = hashlib.md5(str(random.getrandbits(256)).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
+ with open(basedir+'/public_html/static/pdf/'+pdfhash+'.pdf','wb') as binary_file:
+ binary_file.write(pdf_file)
+ raise web.seeother('/static/pdf/'+pdfhash+'.pdf')
+ alla_fakturor = db2.query("SELECT * FROM mlinvoice_invoice ORDER BY id DESC;")
+ return render.fakturor(alla_fakturor,getkund,getmaksuja,round)